
From “What have you done for me lately?” to “What can I do for you today?” This is why I LOVE being a Massage Therapist. Thank you to everyone who has trusted Hand & Hand Mobile Massage for your massage and wellness needs.

I Believe in Zone Balance Therapy


I am an 80-year old mother of eight children and grandmother of 10. Although I have been blessed with good health most of my life, my activities were reduced and minimized after a fall that I had 6 years ago. My left knee has bothered me ever since then and caused me considerable grief these past years. I began receiving Foot Zone Balance Therapy and after 2 sessions the pain in my knee no longer exists. I am able to bowl and take walks without any pain. I have digestive concerns that I have had since childhood and these are beginning to be alleviated also.

Foot Zoning Works!


My name is Nancy. I have been in education for almost thirty years and I believe in doing what works. Foot Zoning works. It may sound improbable, however I encourage you to let the foot zoning experience convince you of its effectiveness.I could tell you of the extraordinary experience it was for me, but not nearly as well as the experience itself can show you.

Foot Zone

Three years ago I had a bacteria infection in my organs and right after that I started having pain in my lower back. I was unable to bend back and sitting or standing for more than 15 minutes became unbearable. I went to two different Chiropractors for months and there was no change. I went to a general doctor and he told me that it was just my posture or that I was straining my back with my book bag. I tried everything that he told me to do and still there was no change.I finally consented to go to a foot zone specialist who told me that there was some bacteria in my lower back. After being zoned that day I have not had a problem since.

Frozen Shoulder Relief

Frozen Shoulder Relief

Several months ago I was diagnosed with frozen shoulder. My physician recommended physical therapy. After three months, scheduling appointments was getting difficult (3 times a week) and the insurance ran out while my shoulder only had 50% normal range of motion.

For several months, I tried doing the exercises at home with very little improvement. I was very frustrated. I remembered that Tom’s massage had helped me once before when I had hurt my back and had helped my husband with shoulder pain. I contacted Tom and arranged for a massage. It couldn’t hurt, and I was tired of not having complete use of my shoulder.

My massage concentrated on my shoulder and arm. Immediately after the massage, I had more range of motion than I had in the last several months. Two days later, my range of motion was almost 90%.

After all these months of trying to improve my shoulder motion, I was extremely thankful that I was able to work the massage schedule around my busy schedule and the treatment was so painless. Thanks Tom, I will always be thankful!


Terri B.


Sr. Steven L. Smith
Pasadena, CA
(626) 792-1221

March 30, 2004

Tom Saulnier has been our massage therapist for several years now. He is helping our patients achieve better health, myself included. Not only is Tom professional, knowledgeable and caring but an integral part of our team building staff. There has never been a time that Thomas did not step up to the plate to make things happen for us or our patients. We not only depend on Thomas, we love him dearly.

Thank you Thomas for your loving hands.

Thank You!

Hey Tom –


The pain in my abdomen has completely dissipated since you came here last Wednesday and has not returned. I sure hope I am not speaking too soon. However, even it if does return, this is the longest period of time since I can remember being pain-free and I sincerely thank you. I am not sure which pressure points you did with the reflexology, but they sure as heck worked and I am forever thankful for this. Danny is so ecstatic that he said should the pain reoccur, I need to phone you right away to set up an appointment. I guess this is a great way of ensuring you’ll be seeing us sooner than every 3 months huh??!! Anyway I really appreciate your giving me a real “workout” and look forward to seeing you again soon.

Enjoy the rest of your vacation. I also want to thank you again for seeing us when you were supposed to be on vacation – you goof!! Next time just let us know you’re taking time off and we will patiently wait until the minute you are back before we pounce on your expertise.

Take care,


Yvette S.

Office Massage

Office Massage

Tom Saulnier really understands the human body and knows when one is stressed or has muscle aches exactly how to massage it out. I have had the pleasure of using Hand & Hand many times and am always thankful that I did. Beside the fact that he is an honest person and very likeable, I think he is does a wonderful service for those in need of massage services.

Leigh N.

Senior Massage

Senior Massage

I am 88 years old. Aside from a hereditary C.O.P.D condition, as far as I know, I am in good health with no aches or pains and everything works well. I think I can attribute a lot of this good health, for the last 50-some years, to receiving regular massages – working with several massage therapists over this time. Of these massage therapists, I think Tom Saulnier is the best! I am so glad we have Tom at Villa Gardens!

Susan C.

Great Massage

Great Massage

Tom is great, he listens to what your needs are and applies it to his massage. Every time he leaves after a massage I feel great. Thanks Tom 🙂

Debbie J.

Scoliosis Support

Scoliosis Support

I saw an advertisement in the newspaper regarding Foot Zoning and it looked interesting to try with my handicapped son who has severe scoliosis. Tom came to the house and was an immediate “hit” with everyone. He began with my son but soon dad and mom were using his massage services as well. Tom went from foot zoning with my son to “raindrop therapy” on his spine. He is so very knowledgeable regarding the essential oils and their benefits. I like that Tom also keeps up to date with what is new in his field of expertise. He has since been giving these massages for several years. Although the scoliosis has not improved, it has held and the relaxation it gives my son who is always so “wound up” is irreplaceable. He has become a dear friend to my son as well. Tom has the “touch”!!!!

Glenda G.

Magic Hands

Magic Hands

For over five years I have had the privilege of Tom’s magic hands working my aches and pains through the different massage therapies that are offered. Every time he leaves I am in such a tranquil (Homer Simpson drool) state of mind and body. Tom Saulnier is a kind, considerate, courteous, and personable professional whom I would highly recommend to anyone.

Norma Jean S.



I’ve been having monthly massages by Hand & Hand for almost SEVEN years…I was sooo relaxed & in such a “state of mind” after my last massage, that I was barely breathing! (this was a GOOD thing) You won’t be disappointed…TRUST ME!

Dena S.

25 Happy Ladies

25 Happy ladies

LOVED is an understatement. We brought Tom into our office of 25 Very different, picky, Hilarious Ladies and not 1 had a bad thing to say. Tom was great from the get go, amazing personality, bonded with his clients and even carried a sense of humor (which ladies love) 😉
Not only did he work with sore spots on our bodies but he told us how to eliminate pain all together and also gave us \”tips of the trade\” on how to prevent anything in the future.
Highly recommend Hand&Hand for any massaging needs!!

Morgan W.

“I am now able.”

I am now able

After months of pain in my lower back I called Tom from Hand & Hand to give me a massage….he turned it all around…and am now out doing yard work, after many months of not doing any strenuous activity – I am now able, thanks to Tom…awesome!

Donald H.

Pain Relief

Pain Relief

After a massage by Tom I am not feeling the pain in my right shoulder that I had for a month and I can move my neck without pain. The other areas he worked are also much looser. The service was much better than other massages I have had. I would highly recommend Tom to anyone needing a therapeutic or relaxation massage Thank you Tom for making me feel better.

Jennifer M.

Jennifer M.

Massage Therapist of Massage Therapists

Massage Therapist of Massage Therapists

Being a massage therapist myself, i need a massage too! I have tried all kinds of Therapists that claim they have experience, but not the expertise in knowing the human body! They all want to push hard into my muscles and joints and after I feel like I had a mack truck run over my body! no bueno! The pain is not worth the money I pay them and cheap is not quality! You get your moneys worth with Thomas! Thomas knows the trigger points, the muscles where I am sore, and I was hooked on the first massage. Like the saying from the movie Jerry Macquire with tom cruise, Rene Zellweger says you got me at HELLO!
thank you Tom! i feel great , my muscles love you!

Jolie K.

Jolie K.

Back In The Game

Back In The Game

Being a collegiate athlete, I have suffered from minor strains and injuries. Tom, at Hand & Hand Mobile Massage, has always been able to help me with my recovery! Very knowledgeable and caring, would recommend him to anyone!

Chris N.

Chris N.

Thumbs Up!

Thumbs Up!

Tom has been my masseur for 2 years and for good reason. Not only is he well versed in the expertise of massage and scented oils, he teaches his skill to others willing to learn his mastery. Tom does not use a one massage fits all mentality. He comes prepared based on the needs of the individual at the time of the massage. Whether it is a detailed foot massage allowing him to assess the ailments of the body, a deep tissue massage for the inflamed musculature, or focusing more on scented oils to decrease the mental strain of daily life, Tom comes with a variety of therapies. Tom is truly an expert in his field. If you are looking for a masseur to alleviate your mental stress or perform the perfect massage that fits your needs, Tom is the masseur for you. The fact that the massage is mobile and can be done in your home makes it even better.

Dr. David R.

Dr. David R.

Essential Oil Therapy

Essential Oil Therapy

I can attest to the effectiveness of Tom’s array of special oils following a recent application of them over a three-day period, alleviating muscle pain and stiffness in both of my aging (age 73) knees. It’s good stuff, Tom’s a lifesaver!

Karl B.

Karl B.

Going The Extra Mile

Going the Extra Mile

Dear Tom:

Thank you again for the wonderful massage you gave me last Friday. I enjoyed every minute of it and felt completely relaxed and comfortable the rest of the day. I appreciated your listening to me when I explained my needs and then giving me a gentle, relaxing massage just the way I wanted and requested it! I also loved that you took extra time to show me helpful stretching exercises. You are amazing!

I’ll be using your services again, Tom, and will be recommending them to others.

Warm regards,

Cheryl T.

Cheryl T.

Prevention AND Correction

“Tom has a fantastic knowledge of the human body and a gift for working out those aches and pains we pick up with the stresses of life. Besides an amazing massage, Tom teaches preventative techniques to help you reduce and hopefully avoid those tense muscles.

Thank you Tom for your kindness, friendship and for truly making me feel so much better! “

Thomas H.

R-E-L-A-X…spells Relief

I highly recommend Tom Saulnier of Hand & Hand. I came to him a year ago… very tense and stiff in the shoulders without even realizing how bad it was. He has guided me to improve my posture and most importantly, he’s shown me how to relax and be aware of my body. Through his massage therapy skill, he has helped me relax my tense muscles. He knows his stuff and has helped me tremendously!
—Bob S. (Simi Valley)

Bob S.

Cleared for Take-Off

I had a back spasm for over a week and as a pilot, it was impeding my ability to work. I could barely walk and was in constant pain. Finally, my wife called Tom Saulnier from Hand & Hand Mobile Massage for help. After the first visit, I was able to walk and stand upright. After the second visit, my pain was nearly eliminated. I thank Tom for helping me in my time of need and highly recommend him!

John C.

The Golden Years

I am a member of a senior community that is lucky enough to have Tom Saulnier as our resident massage therapist. I find that living with the inevitable aches and pains that are a part of a long life are for me, kept in balance by my regular visits with Tom.  Knowing I will be on his table each week makes whatever stress I may be feeling kept to a bare minimum.  He is my best gift to myself. I would and do recommend him and his work to anyone and everyone.  Thanks Tom.
Kathie F.
Kathie F.


I have more energy and feel better than I have for a while. Thank you!!

Jean O.