02 Oct Chair Massage, Lymphatic Drainage, Avoid Illness
Check Out Chair Massage
You Deserve a Break in Your Busy Day
– Cathy Ulrich
Ever been curious about the chair massage area at the mall? Or wondered why your company offers massages in the conference room on certain days? Does it seem strange people want to get massages in an odd-looking chair during a busy workday? Well, maybe they’re on to something. In fact, a small investment in a chair massage session can lead to a significant pay-off. Chair massage–also called seated or on-site massage–provides a host of benefits, including reducing stress, improving mental clarity, and enhancing work performance. And the time investment is minimal: short five-, ten- or fifteen-minute sessions can often do the trick.
In a study done at the Touch Research Institute at the University of Miami, researchers found that when participants got a fifteen-minute chair massage just twice a week, their anxiety levels were lower, their brain waves proved they were more relaxed and alert, and their stress levels were measurably reduced. The study also showed improved speed and accuracy on math computations.
During the Work Day In short, this study shows what chair massage enthusiasts have known for some time: even a short massage can help relax tight muscles and remind the body to breathe. Although full-body massages are optimal, taking time out for one in the middle of the workday can lull you to sleep, and it can be difficult to schedule it into your day. On the other hand, a chair massage during an afternoon break may be a better alternative, particularly when you need to be energized, so you can better focus for late-day meetings or evening responsibilities. Besides, the short massage session time–often the same as your coffee break–keeps you from stressing about being away from work too long. You don’t have to undress, you don’t need the privacy of a table massage, and you’re ready to get back to work feeling refreshed.
Chair massage can also be a great introduction into the world of bodywork. If you’ve always wondered why some people are adamant about getting massages, or if you’ve been trying to explain to a friend or coworker why bodywork is so wonderful, chair massage is an excellent way to get a sampling. To read the entire article, please click here Fall 2017 Newsletter