16 Oct Clothed Massage, Sleep=Skin Health, Meditate
IN THIS ISSUE: * An Introduction to Clothed Massage * How Sleep Impacts the Health of Your Skin * Meditation & Massage.
Comfort for All: An Introduction to Clothed Massage – By Faith Cornwall
Chances are that if you are reading this, you already have some experience with receiving massage. While we most commonly think of massage
as involving a massage table with lotions or oils, and draped sheets for privacy, did you know that there are many kinds of massage you can receive while still keeping your clothes on?
The style of clothed massage you are most likely to be familiar with is chair massage. Available at airports, health fairs, and even in grocery stores, chair massage is easy to give and receive in public places. But the options for clothed massage don’t end with this traditional favorite.
Many of the techniques used in chair massage are adapted from shiatsu, a type of massage that originated in Japan and literally translates into “finger pressure.” Like acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine, shiatsu uses a system of energy meridians. Techniques used include brushing, compression, kneading, rocking, shaking, stretching, and, of course, thumb pressure, to stimulate the meridians. You do not have to be interested in, or knowledgeable about, meridian theory to feel the effects of a shiatsu massage; simply lie back and enjoy it as you would any other bodywork. Traditionally given on a mat on the floor, shiatsu has also been adapted to the table. While appropriate for relaxation and wellness, it also utilizes passive stretching.
Tui na and Thai massage are two other types of Asian massage. Both use many of the same techniques as shiatsu to ease the recipient into a state of relaxation. The more gentle tui na is generally given on a table, while the more vigorous Thai massage is traditionally given on a floor
mat, though it may be adapted to tables as well.
Acupressure uses the same meridian system as acupuncture, but uses the practitioner’s …Click here for full publication Body Sense-Autumn 2013