Wellness Wednesdays in Simi Valley

Wellness Wednesdays in Simi Valley

Welcome to Wellness Wednesdays! We are thrilled you have chosen to make health and wellness a priority in your life…and business.


The newest, in a healthy list of dynamic committees within the Simi Valley Chamber of Commerce, it is meant to be a social media campaign designed to promote our community and our Chamber members. This new “MOVE-ment” is focused on encouraging individuals to improve their health – in their personal lives and in the workplace – through a network of support, tips and resources.


Spend the rest of your day thinking, working and living healthy



8:00 AM

Lost Canyons Golf Club

3301 Lost Canyons Dr.

1 Hour – 2 Miles

Wear your walking shoes

How to Get Involved

(as an individual):

  • Remind yourself daily that you have the right to be and are worthy of being healthy – not just Wednesdays, but all days!
  • Commit to being part of the “MOVE-ment” and encourage others to join you on your journey to a healthier you. Together we can build a healthy community.
  • Make healthy and nutritious food choices by staying focused on your goal
  • Take a few moments each day for some quiet time to yourself – Unplug, breathe and relax. Start with just 5 minutes a day.
  • Take a walk with friends, join a gym, take a yoga class, get a massage, exercise your brain, focus on nutrition, set wellness goals.
  • Share your successes and applaud the successes of others on the Wellness Wednesdays Facebook page – facebook.com/wellnesswednesdays #simiwell
  • Share tips that you find helpful and use the tips and tools shared by others to help you “over the hump”

(as a business):

  • Adopt the mission of “Wellness Wednesdays” in your workplace and encourage your employees to get involved
  • Provide a “Wellness Wednesdays Special” for your customers. Post your special on the Wellness Wednesdays Facebook page, personal and/or business Facebook page, Twitter and your personal and business websites

Mission Statement

Uniting Health and Wellness business professionals within Simi Valley to help improve the quality of life of every citizen.


Contact Info:

For more information, please contact:

Simi Valley Chamber of Commerce

40 W. Cochran Street, #100

Simi Valley, CA 93065

Phone: (805) 526-3600
